Friday, June 16, 2006

About NU9N and ESSB Hi-fi Audio Processing

Extended Single Sideband Hi-fi Audio Processing

As far back as I can remember, Hi-fi audio has been my passion. At age 7, I played with my dad's old 1 7/8 ips 1/4" open-reel tape recorder. I would ham-it-up pretending to be a disc-jockey. Then I graduated to the cassette deck, then again to a 15 ips Teac multi-track recorder and now into some limited but interesting computer based digital recording.

RecorderAt age 10, my dad bought us kids some CB walkie-talkies and again I was excited, only this time, I was actually On-The-Air! As a musician and songwriter, I saw a need in 1980 to purchase an analog multi-track tape based recording system for the production of my own demo-tapes. This was great fun and very rewarding. My recording skills were being harnessed, as well as my ear for mixing and blending tracks. I also started learning the art of post-production processing such as EQing, Compressing, adding effects, etc... In 1982, I bought my fist real CB, a President Washington. I was hooked!

Nady SCM 1000 MicrophoneIt wasn't until 1987 that I tested for my amateur novice license. Within a month, I made Extra class and never looked back to CB. I still continued to produce my music, but Ham Radio split my hobby interests in two.

In 1988, my Dad encouraged me to buy a PC Compatible computer. I did, and again, I was hooked! My music/recordings and Ham radio were on hold while I was discovering the art of computing. I was active on the 2 meter band running a full service packet BBS, but that was about it.

One day in 1996, I was tuning across the 20 meter band and heard this guy talking. I thought "whoops, I must have accidentally landed on an AM broadcast memory in my radio." When I realized that it was SSB, I was simply amazed that anyone could produce audio of this caliber!

Hey, this sounded like fun! My brain began storming! I loved hi-fi audio, amateur radio, recording and computers. I was hooked and the rest is pretty much history.

I currently hold A+, i-Net+, CIW Professional Designer and CIW Master Designer certifications. Web site design and development is my new endeavor and I have secured a domain name for my company (IcyColors) at:

Also, I have developed a website dedicated to Extended SSB ( ESSB ) Hi-fi Audio Processing for amateur radio at

John Anning - NU9NESSB Hi Fi audio has been a challenge and there have been many problems to solve. I hope I can assist those interested in producing their SSB hi-fi audio solve their associated problems as well, without having to go through all of the bottles of Extra Strength Excederin that I went through. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.
-John, NU9N


Blogger Admin said...

I think it is about time you get this blog up to date.

8:09 PM  

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